Posted tagged ‘iTouch’

iPhone Shazam app solves a common problem

November 16, 2008

I was watching television last night and saw this wonderful commercial for iPhone.  Apple never ceases to hit the sweet spot for making their product relevant.  In this case, the spot presents a common problem that each and every one of us has listening to the radio and leaving us frustrated when, at the end of the song, we love the music but have no idea what the song is called.  I could make use of this clever app.  And the iPhone/iTouch app is hands down better than the original Shazam platform that requires you to call Shazam, play the song over the phone and then they text the info back to you.

Now I know the Shazam Song Finder application has been around for a while, but this new spot really demonstrates the product beautifully.  It’s simple and it’s clean.  And they integrate the app into Apple’s business model nicely since you can buy the music right then and there and download it to your playlist.  Smart indeed.